Unleash your potential

“I’ll do it tomorrow”, didn’t you say this yesterday and the day before it? This tomorrow cycle is vicious! If you’re trapped in it and aren’t taking any action then I can say only one thing, you don’t give horse’s ass about your life.

If you still want to live your life like a loser, go ahead, all the best! But those who are seriously interested in doing something with their life can go ahead with this post.

I will not give you any magic pill to unleash your potential. Instead, I will tell you three little secrets that will awaken your superpowers. You don’t need to trek the Himalayas to lead a life of mastery. Rather kill it each moment.

Why are you here? Do you prefer the “brush your teeth and go to bed routine?” Sorry folks, pack your bags and go home! Now listen closely; following are the 3 steps you need to take your game to the next level.

1. Piss off your useless friends: I won’t give you any birds of a feather flock together sh**. There is a thing in this Universe called the “Brain”. It is very much like the Ctrl+C and Ctrl+v function so all it likes to do is mimic your stupid friends. Their fruitless habits, their slang vocabulary and their loser behavior when it comes to decisions. Until the time you are with them, be assured, you are bound to a place called failure. Loose them one by one or lose them at once, the choice is yours. The sooner the better, you would be so thankful for taking this decision.

2. Plant some trees in your garden: By the time the small saplings grow to big trees, you may have children by then. Now, what do those trees have to do with your potential? I’ll explain: The day you plant your sapling, take an oath that whenever you come to water it, you will thank it for making your garden more beautiful. Every day thank one more thing and keep doing it until it becomes ingrained into your personality. Be thankful for the things that you don’t even have. It may sound ‘baloney’ but the universe will check your willpower and your faith in the unseen. Soon with this practice, you will burst the bubble. Till then, don’t forget to say ‘Thank you’ every day.

3. Work your butt off: Instead of making a big cushion out of your butt and letting it rest on the warm couch for endless hours, stop complaining and write down a plan. After that; move! Walk the talk buddy. It ain’t going to happen till you decide to make it happen. Don’t try to overwork yourself but at least, get out of your comfort zone. This is your life and you’ve got to be in charge.

It’s not another ‘lose your fat’ post which you can read and skip. Take these points seriously if you have some faith left in yourself!


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